Adult Day Care Services
The partnership work between the Club and Herts County Council Day Care Services has grown over the years and now involves a full day of activities at The Arena on a Monday every week, including allotment maintenance and football coaching.
The Clean Sheets Laundry Project was derived from the Day Care Services activities and the team operate a kit washing service throughout the week for Hitchin Town and other local teams.
Ability Counts
The formation of Ability Counts was one of the key objectives of the FA's strategy for developing football for disabled people.
The concept saw the creation of a number of Ability Counts football Clubs and with it, the creation of Regional disability football leagues which provide disabled footballers with the opportunity to play regular competitive football.
Hitchin Town Ability Counts team have won trophies in the Disability
category of Annual Sport Awards from both the Comet Newspaper and Herts Sports Partnership.
The coaching session on a Monday now encompasses adults with mental health issues with over 60 registered players and a number of adults with more severe disabilities attending from day centres to watch the football taking place from seating in the stand.
To enquire about joining or for more information, call Mark on 01462 720088.
Junior Ability Counts
Junior Ability Counts football coaching sessions for 7-16 year olds run on a Monday afternoon from 4.45-5.45pm and cost just £2 per session.
Matches & tournaments are also organised for the Junior Ability Counts Team which are optional to attend.
To join the Monday sessions, please dowload a registration form (above) and bring along with you any Monday during term-time. To check dates running please call 01462 720088 or email
North Herts Youth Diversionary Group
The Arena hosts the North Herts Youth Diversionary Groups meetings of which the Club is a leading member, devising a strategy to provide local youths with activities to divert them away from anti-social behaviour. The Group draws on numerous agencies and organisations involved in youth work including Hertfordshire County Council's Youth Connexions, Child UK, North Herts District Council, North Hertfordshire Homes, Hertfordshire Police and Fire authorities and the Extended Schools Co-ordinators before they were made redundant.
The group's common objectives are:
Promotion of Being Safe, Feeling Safe and Increase Feelings of Safety
Reduce Youth Crime, keep young people safe and prevent them from becoming involved with crime and anti-social behaviour
Reduce Anti-Social Behaviour including alcohol and other substance misuse related disorder
Increase opportunities to engage with young people in positive and healthy activities from age 11 – 24 years
Be Healthy, Enjoying & Achieving, Making a Positive Contribution
Co-ordinated approach to partners and stakeholders strategies and action plans
Working in partnership with Child UK, Hertfordshire Police Authority, North Herts District Council, Hertfordshire County Council - Youth Connexions and North Hertfordshire Homes, Hitchin Town Community FC provided coaches to attend and supervise youth diversionary activities across North Hertfordshire in ‘hot spots’ identified by the Police and the District Council on a Friday night.
Activities aimed at youths aged 16 and over included football, cricket, basketball, and took place in Hitchin, Letchworth, Royston and Knebworth.
The Arena was used as the venue hosting Free Friday events during the February, May and October Half-Terms. The pitch was used to stage a football tournament whilst the café & bar area were used as a place to relax and talk, creating a ‘chill out zone’ with the pool table being a focal point. Food, drink & music was provided free of charge, and transport to and from the venue arranged.
Countryside Management Service
Established in 2004, we aim to conserve and enhance open spaces in Baldock by working in partnership with North Herts District Council and the Countryside Management Service. We involve local people in planning for and carrying out improvements to Baldock’s open spaces, and take an active role in raising funds to support this work.
We organise Sunday working parties monthly throughout the year. Work at Ivel Springs has so far included the creation of glades, orchard planting, path improvements and the installation of bird boxes. At Weston Hills we have been clearing scrub to conserve the chalk grassland and wild flowers.
Anyone interested in joining the group should contact Phil Charsley for more details on 01462 895665 or
For local walks see ‘Walks & More’ on CMS website, follow link below